Saturday, March 12, 2011

Afternoon With Grandmama

This afternoon Grandmama came over to play and have dinner with us. She wanted to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day, so we played ball in the front yard, and then went to the back to do some art on our fence. I also gave Grandmama her first official Archery lesson. In my expert opinion, she did great for her first time, but she will need some more guidance from a seasoned expert like myself before she can really hit her targets. She's always such a great sport though - one of the many things we love about her! We had a great night together - we love our Grandmama so much!


Playing ball on our newly seeded lawn and probably killing all the baby grass that is sprouting, but playing is much more important!

Giving Grandmama free, personal instruction on how to do this. Let's see how she does.

My face says it all. Oh, Grandmama.

Let's try it again, and really focus this time, okay?

Now for some art!

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