Saturday, May 15, 2010

Papa's 60th Surprise Party

Our Papa turned a very youthful 60 years old on May 11th, and so Bebe decided this was a perfect opportunity to surprise the socks off of him with a big party! Mama's job was to get him out of the house for the afternoon, so they went on a date to dinner and a movie. Once they were done, they walked into a house full of family and friends waiting to surprise him. It was so much fun! Happy Birthday Papa! We sure do love you!!!

Papa is surprised! And a little overwhelmed...

So he leaves....

And finally comes back in:

Now he is ready to party!

Bebe worked hard to make lots of yummy food for everyone:

Papa had a good time visiting with all of his friends and spent a lot of the night laughing and talking:

Papa sure can be a silly goose!

I had a huge plate of food already, but when I spotted more mashed potatoes on Mama's plate, I crawled myself right over to help her finish them off! I still don't know what the word "full" means...

What? I am a growing boy!

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